La Vida Low Tox Blog

Arnica ~ Arnica montana

arnica arnica montana asteraceae daisy la vida low tox live clean low tox living natural plantgoodness

Arnica ~ Arnica montana

🌼 This sunny flower is called Arnica.  We include beautiful organic arnica oil in our Muscle Balm and Muscle Relief roll on.Here’s a little more info on this special stuff:Botanical Name: Arnica montanaOther Names:  Mountain Daisy, Mountain Tobacco, Leopards Bane, Wolfsbane.Family: AsteraceaeParts Used:  Flowering heads, picked on a sunny day after the morning dew has evaporated.  The heads are then dried in temperatures at least 21°C  (70°F) away from direct sun.  Arnica is a perennial, flowering herb in the Asteraceae (and sunflower 🌻) family that grows naturally in central Europe, Siberia, Canada, and the northern United States. The flowers have...

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Cleaning and disinfecting in COVID times

cleaning cold and flu season coronavirus covid19 disinfecting germ terminator la vida low tox live clean natural soap stay healthy toxins

Cleaning and disinfecting in COVID times

So, what is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting? To distinguish, cleaning removes visible grime, while disinfection removes most pathological microbes.  According to CDC (2020), cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces. It does not kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.  Disinfection refers to using chemicals, to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection. General recommendations for cleaning and...

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The Calming Aroma of Lavender and Orange Essential Oil

The Calming Aroma of Lavender and Orange Essential Oil

"Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived" - Helen Keller Have you ever wandered through a garden and been captured by the fragrance of the flowers and felt good?  Our awareness is being re-born into the important role our senses play in our well-being - and how feeling good can assist with our overall health, and recovery. Aromatherapy and essential oil therapy has been used for thousands of years to help enhance emotional and physical health.  The history of aromatherapy dates back to the ancient cultures of Egypt,...

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How Sanitising is Hand Sanitiser?

clean hands cold and flu season coronavirus covid19 hand sanitizer la vida low tox live clean low tox living soap

How Sanitising is Hand Sanitiser?

There's nothing like a pandemic to make us sit up and take notice of our personal hygiene.  Not just that, we start to notice other people's personal hygiene too 😳🙈😱.  Last week, as COVID-19 was dominating the news, many of us, at some point, were standing in line at supermarkets with our fair share of dry stores and toilet paper.  But what do we make of all that hand sanitiser?  Buckets of the stuff has been sold, and keeps selling... the world is in lockdown too, so all the people buying hand sanitiser should all have easy access to soap...

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Prevention is always better than a cure...

clean hands cold and flu season coronavirus hand sanitizer la vida low tox live clean low tox living stay healthy

Prevention is always better than a cure...

There's been lots of extra concern lately about the spread of coronavirus. One of the best ways to protect yourself is by keeping a healthy immune system.

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