La Vida Low Tox Blog — plantgoodness
Shea ~ Vitellaria paradoxa (formerly Butyrospermum parkii)
Butyrospermum parkii chemical free la vida low tox low tox low tox living plantgoodness shea sheabutter skin care Vitellaria paradoxa

Immortelle ~ Helichrysum italicum
helichrysum immortelle la vida low tox live clean low tox living natural goodness plantgoodness stay healthy

Introducing Immortelle. It is best known for its powerful healing, rejuvenating and restorative properties to the skin - which is why we add it to our Organic Night Cream, our Beauty Serum. We also sell Immortelle essential oil on its own. Here are some interesting facts about Immortelle.Other names: Helichrysum; the ‘immortal flower’; and the ‘everlasting flower’; curry plant.Botanical Name: Helichrysum italicumFamily: Asteraceae/CompositaeAroma: Earthy, herbaceous and freshThe name Helichrysum comes from the Greek language; ‘Helios’ meaning sun, and chryssos’ meaning gold. The shrub is a small perennial herb with narrow leaves and clusters of golden yellow blossoms. It is native...
Arnica ~ Arnica montana
arnica arnica montana asteraceae daisy la vida low tox live clean low tox living natural plantgoodness

🌼 This sunny flower is called Arnica. We include beautiful organic arnica oil in our Muscle Balm and Muscle Relief roll on.Here’s a little more info on this special stuff:Botanical Name: Arnica montanaOther Names: Mountain Daisy, Mountain Tobacco, Leopards Bane, Wolfsbane.Family: AsteraceaeParts Used: Flowering heads, picked on a sunny day after the morning dew has evaporated. The heads are then dried in temperatures at least 21°C (70°F) away from direct sun. Arnica is a perennial, flowering herb in the Asteraceae (and sunflower 🌻) family that grows naturally in central Europe, Siberia, Canada, and the northern United States. The flowers have...