La Vida Low Tox Blog — chemicals

Apps to help you live clean

chemical maze chemicals la vida low tox live clean low tox living think dirty toxins

Apps to help you live clean

A couple of apps to help you avoid unnecessary chemicals in every day products.

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What’s in our water?

chemicals fluoride live clean low tox living reverse osmosis water water filters water quality

What’s in our water?

So what exactly is in our drinking water (besides water)?  You might be surprised.  Read on to see exactly what is hiding inside this essential resource.

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Low Tox Living

chemicals fragrance live clean low tox living parfum toxins

Low Tox Living

Do these products look familiar? Are they hanging around your cupboards waiting to make your house sparkle?  I bet they’re promising to kill 99.9% of all nasty germs and bacteria to keep you and your family safe? I have used all these and many others. They work beautifully (for sparkle), but they’re not-so-beautiful for your health.

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