La Vida Low Tox Blog — asteraceae
Arnica ~ Arnica montana
arnica arnica montana asteraceae daisy la vida low tox live clean low tox living natural plantgoodness

🌼 This sunny flower is called Arnica. We include beautiful organic arnica oil in our Muscle Balm and Muscle Relief roll on.Here’s a little more info on this special stuff:Botanical Name: Arnica montanaOther Names: Mountain Daisy, Mountain Tobacco, Leopards Bane, Wolfsbane.Family: AsteraceaeParts Used: Flowering heads, picked on a sunny day after the morning dew has evaporated. The heads are then dried in temperatures at least 21°C (70°F) away from direct sun.  Arnica is a perennial, flowering herb in the Asteraceae (and sunflower 🌻) family that grows naturally in central Europe, Siberia, Canada, and the northern United States. The flowers have...