Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood
La Vida Low Tox

Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Wood

Regular price $14.00
Metatron's Cube Crystal Board - Wood

Grid Sizes:  25cm (large) and 15cm (small) Diameter

Grid Material:  These crystal grids are made from 3mm wood/timber and laser technology.

**Note:  Pricing includes Metatron's Cube wooden board only.  The crystals featured in these images are shown for suggested use. **

The Metatron's Cube is named after Archangel Metatron, who watches over the flow of energy in creation and provides a connection to the divine. Metatron's Cube is balanced and can provide a visual focal point for meditation. It can help replace negative thoughts with a more positive outlook.  

The geometry of Metatron’s Cube is known to contain all the building blocks of the universe including the five platonic solids.  The geometry consists of thirteen circles of light with connecting lines from each circle to each of the other circles.  It contains all other geometric forms and is one of our most popular pieces.  It is a stabilizing and harmonizing geometry, excellent to use when you are seeking to call forth and stabilize surrounding energy, or seeking protection and positivity.

Meta-Tron comes from the Greek word meaning Beyond-Matrix.  Metatron is said to be the architect and scribe of the universe.  He is often called an archangel, as a means to classify his energy, however he actually sits above the archangels, at the right hand of God.  Many consider the Metatron’s Cube to be a holy glyph, which is often drawn around a person or a place to ward off negative energy and protect the area from harm.

Grid Uses:  
  • Protection
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Manifesting positivity
  • As a focal point for meditation
  • Stabilisation
  • Harmony

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